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Unless otherwise explained, the content of this website includes but is not limited to text and images contained in it, and has all forms of rights in QUINTARK TECHNOLOGYPTE.LT (hereinafter referred to as: QUINTARK). All trademarks used or mentioned in this website are their rights of their owners.

Any content on this website should be regarded as a license or right to any copyright, patent, trademark or other owner’s rights by hints, acquisition or other methods by hints, acquisition or other methods. The content provided by this website and this website, including but not limited to graphic images, audio, video, HTML code, buttons, and texts, without QUINTARK TECHNOLOGYPTE.LTs in writing before. , Transmitted or distributed, but you can download, display and print the copy of the material on any computer only for personal non -commercial purposes. The condition is that you can not modify the materials in any way and maintain all copyrights, trademarks and other owners’ equity. The integrity of the statement.

The information provided by this website is free, for reference only, and does not constitute a business or professional service relationship between you and QUINTARK. Links on this website may point to services or websites that are not operated by QUINTARK. QUINTARK does not make any judgment or guarantee for such services or websites, so he does not assume any responsibility for such services or websites. Links pointing to another website or service do not mean recommendation for the website or service. You must bear the risk of the information provided by this website or any website or service on this website.

This website and its content are “original”, and QUINTARK does not make any forms of representatives or guarantees on any website or service that can be accessed by this website or can be accessible through this website. QUINTARK clearly rejected all explicit and implied guarantees, including but not limited to the implied guarantee of its appropriate marketability or the applicability, rights and non -infringement of a certain purpose. In any case, regardless of the behavior method, whether or not it involves contracts, infringement, negligence, strict responsibility, or other contents or links to any content or link to this website, any content or link to this website, or any correspondence, any copy, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, and any replication, any replication, and any replication. Show or use other factors, QUINTARK does not be due to any direct, indirect, attached, special, punitive, result damage or other damage (including but not limited to profit loss, business interruption, program or data loss). The party is responsible.

QUINTARK does not accept unauthorized suggestions outside the established business relationship. In order to protect our existing customers and our own interests, we must deal with the issues that submit this kind of content carefully. It is important that if there is no clear business relationship, QUINTARK cannot be kept confidential with such suggestions submitted. Therefore, do not submit unauthorized suggestions to QUINTARK through this website. Any suggestions disclosed to QUINTARK in the existing formal confidential business relationship are not confidential, and QUINTARK has the right to develop, use and free disclosure or release similar suggestions without having to provide you with compensation or be responsible for you. QUINTARK will do everything possible to return or destroy any unauthorized suggestions submitted without reviewing them in detail. However, if QUINTARK thinks it is necessary to consult such suggestions you submitted, then the two parties understand that QUINTARK has no obligation to keep confidentiality on your suggestions, or provides you with compensation for you to disclosure or use. If you submit a proposal or other detailed information to QUINTARK through this website, it means you agree to be subject to the above policy terms.

Any act or related to this website is under the jurisdiction of the Law of the People’s Republic of Singapore. If there is controversy, the two parties will be resolved. If the negotiation fails, you agree that the people’s court where the statutory address of the company is located will make a ruling.

The interpretation rights of these use clauses and the right to interpretation of this website are owned by QUINTARK.